Tuesday 4 September 2007

daily cycling record

overslept and almost didn't make it to the gym in time. was ten minutes late. so skipped the routine 1 min warm up. here's the time.

sept 4 2007, tuesday
distance in 5 min (no supplements) : 2.77 km.

i think the first day's distance was wrong cos it was actually 6 mins rather than 5; they forgot to take out the 1 min warm up distance i think. lol. not that fast after all.

but i just came back from an AWESOME PLAY. ^^ the popular mechanicals! by curtin's hayman theatre. kept laughing to myself all the way home as i cycled home, not because i finally lost a screw, but it is really that good! it is that awesome. amateurs = "for the love of". ^^. those guys, they are really passionate! watch it, love it! :DDDDD



Mintii said...

i remembered the feeling after watching a greeeeat show (musical, live performance, or even...TV) =)

yan said...

it is awesome isn't it ^^