Tuesday, 12 June 2007

post 8. this is me

was puzzled recently to receive a comment that i had gotten fatTER from an old friend who hasn't seen me for close to ten years. lol. much as i would like to think so too, that's not true. so here's a pic of me for those who have not seen me in a while.


CrapQ said...

LOL ur fren will be really sad that put such a big X on his face.LOL..anyway i like it. its funnie. Hey..good luck for ur exams n i'll catch up with u soon.

Mintii said...

hmm...did i leave a comment b4? don't remember. so here it is 呵呵
yeah, u looked the same, only wider @ the shoulders, that's about it [not based on this photo]

Mintii said...

hmm...did i leave a comment b4? don't remember. so here it is 呵呵
yeah, u looked the same, only wider @ the shoulders, that's about it [not based on this photo]