round 2! failure is not an option!
may 11, friday, 1800-ish, jasmine, me house mate simon, and i went to ciao italia cos jasmine been raving about the desserts there. specifically, the STRAWBERRY TART.
so here they are outside the restaurant. we got there about 15 mins after it opened at 6, but it was already full and we had to wait a while. it was quite cold that night, so that may be why simon is hugging the menu so desperately. or maybe out of sheer hunger. lol. ^^
the service is great. all guys. and they all speak with this thick italian accent. i wonder if itx put on. ^^ it'll be funny if after work u hear them speaking to each other aussie-style, aye mate. but itx really good, the service. friendly and funny. 3 thumbs up!
enough talk. letx get on with it.
we each ordered a dish to be shared amongst us. pic shows my choice: ciao italian chicken. chicken breasts/fillets/thighs/i don't know, cooked with prawns and POTATOES and mushrooms and covered in some gravy sauce thing. hmmm. i am going to have such a bright future as a food critic. nvm that. just look at the picture. as they say, "a picture paints a thousand words" (Edwin Khoo 2007, 13/5/2007, 1948). ummmm. POTATOES and chicken, my fav, drool... if u look closely at the top, u can see jasmine's choice: some calamari dish quite nice, the calamari was nicely fried, not too oily, and thick and juicy. but nothing compared to POTATOES and chicken....drool... . itxhaha. sorry no pic of calamari. i didn't take it so don't blame me. lol.
above pic shows simon's choice: pizza folded in half. uhh. canole pizza?? looks like a pie, but itx a pizza folded in half. genius! tasty as well, especially with yummy salad on the top. of course, still nothing to POtaTOES and chicken...drooolz mucho.
AHAHHAA! dessert. the whole point of why we came in the first place!. from top left clockwise: STraWBERRY TART, TIRAMiSu, and CHOCoLATe CUSTARD THING. gosh, i can't remember the italian names. but they were all good, but the best was definitely STRAWBERRY tARt. i had to beg for a taste from jasmine, she didn't want to share. LOL. but after one taste i could tell why. itx heavenly. words fail to describe the creamy goodness and the smooth, fresh strawberry taste melting in your mouth. and i used a little trick to get a second bite...tricky me. ^^ itx most definately worth going back for.
all in all, it was one of the best meals i have had so far this year. good food, good company. and on the way back i caught a sugar high cos i had to finish simon's dessert as well as my own cos he couldn't finish his. lol. crazy laughing on the way back. good fun ^^.
so here's a picure to commemorate a fantastic meal. jasmine and her strawberry tart.
ps. much thanks to jasmine for bringing us there and simon for the camera and pics.
OMG! the photos are making more n more hungry over here.argh..i luv italian food.n i think i'd been there b4 too.AHEHEHEH..
itx even better when u eat it
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