Saturday 25 July 2009


never realised how beautiful mornings can be.

there's something quite transcendent as the night sky gradually lightens, fades to gray, and on the horizon, a small spot of rose that slowly blooms, spreads and grows across the sky, until there comes a moment when the hushed morning seemed to hold its breathe, and finally a piercing spark lifts above the skyline, and the sun rises, a blazing, glowing orb.

doing my form in the quiet of the morning (where does two hours go?), a sense of the world slowing stirring and coming to life, that powerful sense of change echoed in the shifting and rolling of the form.

startled myself a bit this morning while doing the form. caught sight of a roll of steam out of the corner of my eye as i was turning, and for a moment thought there was someone standing behind me. which was impossible of course, but that thought flashed through my mind for a moment. turned out it was just my own body giving off steam in the morning chill. the last time this happened, it was in the humid jungles after a morning of continuous marching.

i like mornings. because the morning is quiet and still.

i like mornings because people seemed friendlier in the morning. you don't seem many people with tensed up faces and tight shoulders taking a walk in the morning. ppl smile more, and "good mornings" seem to mean more.

a ruddy man with a bushy moustache, walking his yorkshire terrier in the early frost. in shorts. a lady in a faux-fur coat, a cigarette burning in her hand, hurrying somewhere, possibly to work. another lady on her bicycle riding downhill, and exuberantly going, "wheeeew!" a gaggle of early morning fisherman, glowing in fluorescent coats. a pelican, wading into the water like a stately old gentleman, the image of which is abruptly ruined by the snaking forward of its head as it spears a fish. a little dark bird, swimming, yes, swimming, underwater. the fat rippling river, meandering slowly, flanked by trees and sugar cane, seen from the hill top. and the golden sun, lifting higher and higher into the sky.

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