Thursday, 16 August 2007

post 23. where would i be without corkers?

morning: 1 x VB (4.9%, 1.4 standard drink)

lunch: 1 x XXXX(3.5%, 1 standard drink) - simon was so uncomfortable drinking beer in a chinese restaurant. lol. i told him it said BYO on the door and that means i can drink whatever i want, damnit. good point though. only construction workers drink in the afternoon back home.

afternoon: 1 x tooheys platinum (6.5%, 1.8 sd)

dinner/night: not sure yet but going out for drinks. and even so, i still have reserves of VB at home. probably need at least 2 cans to sleep.

lol. logically, this is funny. and even quite pathetic. really. in a few weeks, months, or even days, i may laugh at this.

but right now, i can't laugh at myself yet.

lol. drinking before class. imagine. a can of beer in the morning. i must be going native. ^^

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