Thursday, 19 July 2007

currently reading

Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison (1952)
Email: A Love Story, Stephanie D. Fletcher (1996)
Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk (1996)
Memoirs of A Shy Pornographer, Kenneth Patchen (1945)

yes, i read multiple books at a time. read a bit of one, pick up and read another. bad habit. very greedy. sometimes lose track of plots. but finding it hard recently to just stick with one book. unless it's very good. like, A Bell for Adano. written in 1944, but the language is so clear, so easy to read, and the story so human. not like a blow-you-away book, but a surpsing little gem that may touch you.


Mintii said...

i am sad that i'm too lazy to read spend almost 3hours on TV tonight... but i did just finish reading Dinner with a Perfect Stranger this afternoon ^^

yan said...

and u just wasted more time reading this blog lol