Tuesday, 31 July 2007

post 16. storm

rained during run.

been a long time since ran in rain with such strong winds. whipping rain obscured vision to less than ten steps ahead. wind buffeted body so it was an effort to run straight and sheets of water poured from the stormheads above, gusting across the hard tarmac.

hard to describe the electrical feeling of running in such weather. elements seem to come alive, with the rain, sky and clouds joining together in a frenzied dance.

it was fantastic.

only regret was it didn't rain throughout run.

post 15. umbrellas do not work in australia.

note to self: umbrellas do not work in australia.

monday, july 30th. between 12 and 1 pm. walking with sharon and claudia to karawara for lunch. caught in sudden thunderstorm. whipped out umbrella. yeah! hero of the day. weather had other ideas. wind drove rain sideways so to protect body had to let in rain from top onto head. wind also whipped umbrella around like dog mangling doll.

results: soaked jeans and shoes.

umbrellas do not work in australia, remember that.

going for run now. sky bodes thunderous weather, dark, cloudy, threatening to storm. perfect running weather to complement my mood.

Saturday, 28 July 2007

post 14. rottnest trip 2

well, here is the rest of the rottnest trip months ago (check out april for the first post). had to go through a bit for it but i think it turned out quite well. actually, i am ridiculously pleased by how it turned out. ^_^

yesh, rottnest is that beautiful. ^^ don't you get the feeling that it's all sky, clouds and sea? (keep getting the feeling i am spelling rottnest wrong).

once again, much thanks to kelvin musa for the use of his camera and photos.

post 13. say no to emo-ism!

noticed recent trend amongst some of those i know to adopt what i think is an emo attitude.

first, yes, everyone has bad days. yes, itx okay to mope around for a while. heck, i think itx therapeutic sometimes to wallow in your own mucky-muck.

but not to the extent that it becomes a lifestyle.

don't dress in black all the time. don't look like your best friend died all the time. and even if your best friend did, crap, they would slap you a good one and ask you to move the f on. worse, don't sit around not living.

life is here, now. there comes a point when wallowing in your own mucky-muck becomes just plain unhygienic and you start to stink!

write a story, write a song, paint a portrait, go beat up a mountain, do something with all that emotion and move on. you can always come back and emo later and do something with it again. see, constructive crap-ism. but live life, now! now! now!

say no to (pointless) emo-ism!

Friday, 20 July 2007

post 12. blogging fits!

strange attack of the blogging fits! seemed compelled to post mundane observations on the internet! continously!

lol. flying off to brisbane this sunday night. seems interesting. hope they have better shopping than perth. shopping in perth is homogenous and depressing. unless i just don't know where all the cool shops are. hah. thanks to my sis, who is sponsoring my ticket. (ps. good luck with you-know-what. hmmm. JUST DO IT!)

yes, i will try to finish the rottnest trip. reminded of it when the last friday the 13th came and went. is it normal to have more than one friday the 13th in a year? thought i would finish and post the rottnest trip on friday the 13th but actually never managed to do so. have a new format for posting photos in mind. let's see how it turns out.

general mood, very content with life now. even though there's a few things bugging me atm (residue guilt over break-up with ex. in retrospect, was an ass and made horrendous mistakes. can't apologize enough to her once she is willing to talk to me again. EPA supp - minor stuff ups again(!), but should be able to pass. lack of job - how to raise money for year end trip? other misc stuff on mind).

last night spent hours laying on the sofa watching and listening to simon jam on his guitar. took a few video clips of him fooling around. lol. will see if i can convert it to avi and somehow get it on here. but yesh, last night was good. sounds simple but it was very good. been a while since i actually felt contented and HAPPY. life is good. then le tour came on SBS to round off a very good evening. fell asleep at the last 30 km so missed the ending. came awake in time to watch them comment on the win so probably missed it by seconds. was actually waiting for something, even though i was quite tired by the time le tour came on since been up since 5 in the morning, but it never came. but surprsingly, not really bothered much and went to bed still happy and contented.

in fact, still am. probably why posting so much. always thought needed turmoil to produce good writing, which i think is still true, but happiness seemed to provoke a diarrhoea of words as well. ^^

post 11. last sunday

last sunday was a very good day.

1) went for a run in donkey's ages. sun came out to bask the earth. why oh why did i ever stop running? love it love it love it!

2) on way back from run, passed by a house where a fat old man was dozing contentedly in a chair on the front porch. don't think you'll ever see that in the city. man looked happy sleeping gently even though exposed to the view of passing strangers, or it could be just the white moustache - fat old men with white moustaches remind me of santa claus. i think the word here is CONTENTMENT. one man's contentment can be another's uh...blog entry?

3) when in city having lunch, met up with a couple of old friends who i thought had already flew and left perth. was sitting by the window of angkor cafe, morosely picking through the remains of the (too-small) lunch special i had ordered, when there was a thunderous rapping on the window. looked up to be greeted by two crazy grinning faces. hello joann and darrin ^^! crazy fools went shopping even though both were under the weather. but it was good to see u two again, even though almost caused me to swallow my spoon. hah, this is especially good, cos i almost NEVER meet anybody i know in the city.

4) received an email that eased a burden that i had been carrying around. lol. not exactly the answer i was looking for, since i thought i asked a yes/no question and thought it was pretty clearly written. but i think i got a "maybe". lol. shoot, even a maybe makes me pretty happy. weird to be so easily contented. but then again, i am doing lots of things i never did before (eg. keeping a blog, going shopping alone, doing more things rather than thinking of doing them, taking daily baths!! LOL). then again, the replier thought the reply was pretty clearly written too. one person's clarity is another's happy confusion. this is good because the replier hardly ever goes online or replies to messages, let alone write an email. lol. i should drop more shocking msgs on unsuspecting victims.

all in all, four good things in one day is almost too much for me to handle. ^^

Thursday, 19 July 2007

currently reading

Invisible Man, Ralph Ellison (1952)
Email: A Love Story, Stephanie D. Fletcher (1996)
Fight Club, Chuck Palahniuk (1996)
Memoirs of A Shy Pornographer, Kenneth Patchen (1945)

yes, i read multiple books at a time. read a bit of one, pick up and read another. bad habit. very greedy. sometimes lose track of plots. but finding it hard recently to just stick with one book. unless it's very good. like, A Bell for Adano. written in 1944, but the language is so clear, so easy to read, and the story so human. not like a blow-you-away book, but a surpsing little gem that may touch you.

post 10. thank you christina mou!

lol. just had a very good talk, even though it was online. brought back lots of old memories in CA. old friends, old places, a sudden rush of memories. ever get the feeling that you wish you can just step back and somehow see it all over again, even if you cannot experience it? i think it's called nostalgia.

anywayz, this here is a snippet of what we were talking about. hope u don't mind christina. buzz me if u want me to take this down.

5:11:16 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:11:20 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i actually know them
5:11:21 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:11:32 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
hey u remembered that time i went to ur house and started bawling
5:11:37 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
u were living with them right
5:11:48 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
at campus village!!
5:11:50 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:11:57 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
omg i still remember the name of the place
5:12:00 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
do u remember??
5:12:06 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
u said it gave u the shits
5:12:07 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:12:10 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
scared u
5:12:11 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:12:27 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i don';t even remember what happened then
5:12:29 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
but anywayz
5:12:33 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i was just scared
5:12:38 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
my point was yeah, i remember the girls
5:12:39 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:12:45 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
scared of what?
5:12:48 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
you looked like you might hit me
5:12:53 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
no lah
5:12:55 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:12:58 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
my god
5:13:00 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i am so harmless
5:13:01 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
kidding, scared don't know why you were so sad
5:13:13 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
what could possibly do that
5:13:15 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i don't even know now
5:13:16 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:13:20 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
maybe something horrible happend
5:13:23 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:13:34 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
most likely something to do with richard shih
5:13:35 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:13:40 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
wondered what happened to him
5:13:51 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
(you woke up in bad mood, and saw tons of dishes in the sink, )
5:13:52 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
do u remember richard?
5:13:59 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:14:01 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
and started washing and bitching,
5:14:04 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:14:06 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:14:10 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:14:12 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:14:20 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
itx almost 8-9 yrs ago
5:14:22 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
he told you o stop bitchin' and you two started to fight
5:14:26 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:14:27 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i know
5:14:28 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:14:36 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
why u remember when i forgot
5:14:38 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i remember, cuz i went to fight with him ah
5:14:43 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
over what?
5:15:04 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
like "how could you do this to yan, bla bla bla"
5:15:07 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
not over me right
5:15:09 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:15:14 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
YOU DID???!!?
5:15:20 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:15:23 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
"he's so nice to you, everytime i talk crap about you he would defend you"
5:15:23 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i didn;t even know
5:15:31 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
hahhahaa, then he was like
5:15:32 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:15:47 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
"shut the fuck up, u don't know anyhing, you don't know anything btw us"
5:15:54 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:15:57 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
so interesting!
5:16:04 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
so long ago yet so interesting!
5:16:10 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
wah u remeber so well
5:16:15 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i willl put this in my blog!
5:16:15 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i was like "you shut the fuck up, i know he's sad cuz of fuckin you, you fuckin' a hole"
5:16:23 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:16:24 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i didn't fuck him...
5:16:27 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
5:16:33 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
i totally remember, it was my sophmore year...
5:16:45 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
by the time i saw him again, was....
5:16:56 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
u saw him recently?
5:17:11 PM
Christina 牟钟仪
jr year...i was eating with debbie and her bf, he came in, and i apologized, he said it was nothing

hah. man, christina was so good to me. she actually went to chew richard's ass out for me! lol. hmmm. in retrospect, it wasn't entirely richard's fault. i was very young then lol. sixteen or seventeen i think, hmmmm. youth. but richard was a decent guy to me. i would like to think we were good friends.

would really like to meet them all again. ^^wonder how everyone is doing.

ps. lol. christina is actually very well spoken. the comments made are not indicative of her true sweet generous nature.

Saturday, 7 July 2007

post 9. The Little Girl and the Cat

There was once a little girl named Rose. Although she smiled a lot and was nice and pleasant to everyone, she had sad eyes. But all her friends only saw her smiles and were dazzled by all the games she knew, and called her the Queen of Games.

One day, the little girl was sent by herself to another house in the country. Her parents sent her there because they knew why she was sad, and they hoped moving to the country would be good for her.

The house was large, dark and brooding. It was too big and empty and quiet, and the little girl did not like it there. She missed her friends and all the fun parties they had.

She started spending a lot of time in the garden. It was always either too hot or too cold in the garden, and sometimes it was so dusty it made her tear. Still, she liked the garden better than the big empty house.

One day, the little girl stumbled upon a part of the garden that she had never been before. This was in the days before when they had gardens that are the size of ten houses. You would hardly find such big gardens anymore. But that was why there are parts of the gardens that the little girl had never seen before. She was only a little girl, and the garden was so big.

Immediately, the little girl knew this part of the garden was special. It was like a secret garden within the big garden, for it had its own special plants that were different from the other plants in the big garden. There were plants that had no flowers but had leaves that were as beautiful and colourful as any flower. There were plants that seemed to have no leaves and only masses and masses of blooming flowers. And once, the little girl saw a flower that seemed to grow only upside down.

But the best bit of the secret garden that the little girl liked best was the scent. It reminded the little girl of watching her mother before she went out to the opera house and would sit at her dressing table and put on her best perfume. And the garden scent was just like that, only better. It made you feel light-headed and happy, but it did not make you feel sick after a while like cheap perfume would. (That is why you must never, never buy cheap perfume.) But it also reminded the little girl of her mother and how much she missed home. So the garden scent made the little girl both happy and sad at the same time. And maybe she cried a little.

After a while, the little girl started playing in the garden because she did not want to feel sad. Suddenly, she realised that there was a cat in the garden and it was staring at her in the intense way cats do. It gave her quite a start because she thought she was alone in the secret garden.

"Oh! Hello, Mr Cat. Where did you come from?" said the little girl, for it was only polite to talk to someone when you realise that they are there, even if the person was giving you a very unfriendly stare.

But the cat did not say a single word, and continued staring at her.

The little girl was a little uncomfortable being stared at, so she looked around to see where the cat had come from. Now, another thing about the secret garden that the little girl had not realised yet, was that it was always night time in the secret garden. The little girl did not realise this even though it was day time outside in the big garden when she found the secret garden. And cats, as we all know, can move very quietly at night and have almost magical powers of movement. So the little girl was probably wasting her time trying to find where the cat came in from, for a cat can walk through a hedge and not disturb a single leaf.

After a while, the little girl grew tired of looking for there were so many plants and flowers in the garden, and it was making her slightly dizzy trying to look for where the cat came in. The cat was still staring at her, and she thought it was the most unfriendly cat that she had ever seen.

"Are you lost, Mr Cat? Who do you belong to?"

The cat did not say a single word, but its stare seemed to become even more unfriendly, as if the little girl had said something impolite.

What a strange cat! It almost seemed to understand what she was saying. It was certainly not a pretty cat. It was too skinny for one thing. And its fur was a strange mix of gray and brown that the little girl had never seen before, and was horribly matted and uncombed. Maybe it was a stray cat, she thought to herself, for the little girl did not see a ribbon or bell around the cat's neck.

"Well, you are certainly the most unfriendly cat I have ever seen!" said the little girl to the cat. "But I wouldn't let you make feel uncomfortable. I like it here! This is such a pretty garden. Only, I wonder who does this garden belong to?" for it had just occurred to the little girl that the owner may be angry to find that she had wandered into his garden.

And the cat raised its head, cleared its throat gently and said, "The garden belongs to me. And you are certainly the rudest little girl I have ever seen."

Of course they became good friends after that.

The little girl was shocked at first. It was not everyday you met a talking Cat! But she was very sorry and apologised for all the rude things she said about the Cat. And she played many interesting games with the Cat that the Cat had not seen before, so the Cat forgave her.

They had many pleasant afternoons in the secret garden. They would play games and have many interesting conversations, and the Cat grew to knew why the little girl had sad eyes, even though the little girl never told him. And they grew very fond of each other. And maybe the Cat was more fond of the little girl than the little girl was of him. Now, it is commonly thought that Cats are cold and aloof, which is true most of the time. But what most people do not know is that if you can win the heart of a Cat, they can be passionate, caring creatures.

But there was something else about the Cat that the little girl did not know, which she should. In fact, it was quite important that she did. But no one ever told her, and the Cat never will.

Cats are capricious creatures and they like to devour the hearts of little girls.

-for "Rose" and all the little girls