lol. poor car.
glee. turning out to be quite entertaining.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Sunday, 13 September 2009
on repeat
xiao qing ge (little love song) performed by sodagreen. taiwanese band that recently caught my ear by accident. lead vocalist, qing feng, has quite a unique voice. charming, addictive song.
destroy she said by circ, a relatively unknown trance band. perfect driving song for those pleasant hours-long drive to nowhere.
Sunday, 6 September 2009
computer luv
so here i am, sick as a kitten from one of the rare, debilitating bouts of sickness that strike once a year, and this silly song keeps running through my head.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
there's something quite transcendent as the night sky gradually lightens, fades to gray, and on the horizon, a small spot of rose that slowly blooms, spreads and grows across the sky, until there comes a moment when the hushed morning seemed to hold its breathe, and finally a piercing spark lifts above the skyline, and the sun rises, a blazing, glowing orb.
doing my form in the quiet of the morning (where does two hours go?), a sense of the world slowing stirring and coming to life, that powerful sense of change echoed in the shifting and rolling of the form.
startled myself a bit this morning while doing the form. caught sight of a roll of steam out of the corner of my eye as i was turning, and for a moment thought there was someone standing behind me. which was impossible of course, but that thought flashed through my mind for a moment. turned out it was just my own body giving off steam in the morning chill. the last time this happened, it was in the humid jungles after a morning of continuous marching.
i like mornings. because the morning is quiet and still.
i like mornings because people seemed friendlier in the morning. you don't seem many people with tensed up faces and tight shoulders taking a walk in the morning. ppl smile more, and "good mornings" seem to mean more.
a ruddy man with a bushy moustache, walking his yorkshire terrier in the early frost. in shorts. a lady in a faux-fur coat, a cigarette burning in her hand, hurrying somewhere, possibly to work. another lady on her bicycle riding downhill, and exuberantly going, "wheeeew!" a gaggle of early morning fisherman, glowing in fluorescent coats. a pelican, wading into the water like a stately old gentleman, the image of which is abruptly ruined by the snaking forward of its head as it spears a fish. a little dark bird, swimming, yes, swimming, underwater. the fat rippling river, meandering slowly, flanked by trees and sugar cane, seen from the hill top. and the golden sun, lifting higher and higher into the sky.
Thursday, 2 July 2009
Green Grey - Стереосистема
amazed that i actually found this on youtube. one of the ukrainian songs recommended by a friend that i pretty much like. catchy. ^^
you can also some shots of kyiv, the capital of ukraine in the vid. lots of churches.
Monday, 29 June 2009
it has been storming ever since my return.
since last friday, it has been raining and blowing continuously. huddling in my warm little apartment, i sometimes feel like i'm out at sea, especially when the wind howls, the rain keeps pounding, and i look out and see giant trees tossed around like saplings. kinda like the little boy in "ponyo on the cliff by the sea" in the storm scene.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
this took place on a 5 hour plaus train ride to Lviv, Ukraine's version of Melbourne aka the most cultural city in the country. train ride was straight out of Hogwarts Express, except that we were stuck in third class: windows stained so brown you can't look out, grimy sheets and blankets, lights that don't work, poor ventilation, and restrooms that are too horrible to mention. still, it was very romantic and all. with company such as these, how can one get bored?
last clip shows the girls breaking out in song, using "ji", "gu", "pa", no less. no prizes for guessing the song. this was one of the highlights of the trip to Ukaine.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Tuesday, 19 May 2009
warm fuzzies
this is what i got:
-level-headed and non-emotional
-a different perspective on things - good thing :)
-his different perspective on things and his motivation/determination
-clear and logical thinking - afresh perspective and patience!
-objectivity + assertive leadership qualities. also maleness (stop us from making too many girl decisions)
-learning turtle tai chi with you! and being around someone who makes me laugh.
thought it was interesting cos it's always interesting to see how others perceive you. recurring theme seemed to be objectivity and different perspective. this probably came about because we were previously discussing an ethical situation involving too many kidney failure patients and only one dialysis machine. basically, i thought they went too much with their emotions. they probably thought i was some monster because i was willing to put some other candidates before cute, innocent children. muahaha.
some other interesting things that popped up from the warm fuzzies.
-non-emotional, hmmmmmmmmm, could be a good and bad thing.
-patience?? lol, i'm not too sure about that! wait and see, WAHAHAH~
-maleness. yeah. i am MAN. nuff said.
-turtle tai chi! lol. for some reason an image of ninja turtles doing taiji popped into my head. ^^ yeah, i'm going to put them through training hell, hahaha, those poor innocent lambs, they have no idea...
warm fuzzies. funny name, but boy, do they work.
Sunday, 17 May 2009
Friday, 15 May 2009
Thursday, 30 April 2009
LOL. it's true.
my offical "unoffical" name within the school, which appears on my name tag, is "Yanz" (basically a typo, which i am too stingy to fork out $17 to rectify); it's also the name most of my friends from the previous year group know me as. i usually introduce myself as "Ian" to Westerners, just to save on confusion, but i sign my emails as "Yan." "Yan" is strictly how i should call myself, if we go by the process of adopting a name by choosing one monosyallable from within the original, lol, and it's how most Asian friends call me.
doesn't bother me, really, LOL, but i guess i can see how it can be confusing.
fundraiser at tiger,tiger
the quiet before the storm.
the alleyway tiger,tiger is tucked away in.
the start of the afternoon. tapas start to flow from the kitchen.
the crowd starts trickling in. the evening is underway!
the busy kitchen.the end of the evening.
counting the money. a very successful night. more than 10k was raised to purchase resources for children with disabilities in ukraine.
of course, all this would not have been possible without the help and time of all those who contributed, our supervisors, kirrily and jillian, and the generosity of the owners, claire and braydon, who not only provided the venue, but also refused to take a single cent for all the food and drinks provided. words cannot express our gratitude.
thanks also go out to vi and long for providing the fantastic pictures used in this post.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Sunday, 19 April 2009
future challenge
this is my patient profile.
most ppl see this.
i see this.
why am i doing this? because i know, in all likelihood, i will not work in paediatrics as a career. because it is not something i have experienced, because it is out of my comfort zone. of course, can go on about gaining as much experience as you can, making the most of the opportunities available to you, knowing your limits, knowing yourself etc, but right now, as i am in the midst of preparing, this particular incident keeps popping into me head:
me in middle of playgroup of babies under 1 year of age. a group of 4 or 5 babies, all crawling, trying to stand, falling down all over the place. lady carer, who was trying to be nice, plonked a baby in front of me. baby was cute, fat, cuddly. i stared at the baby. baby stared back at me, wide eyed. i go, "hi. what's your name?"
Thursday, 16 April 2009
經過了初識時閉塞式的癡迷及烘托,男人會開始帶著女友四處見人,一來昭告親朋不再孤單 ,二來藉機維護及表現,好拉攏女友還不明確的方心。
男女相處久了,雖未結婚,也跟老夫老妻一樣了,這時女人已不再記得當初愛上這個男人的感動,只是覺得"食之無謂,棄之可惜" 且此時女人們也自覺老大不小了,不吃也沒得吃了....
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
lol, finally fixed internet/computer problem at home. hooray! although i swear i must be plagued by gremlins lately...
anyway, a vid to celebrate! meep meep meep!
Monday, 30 March 2009
doggy breath
funny how absorbed one can be just observing another sleep, the tousled fur from exhausting play (thankfully, else the little devil will still be begging for attention), the little twitches, the sudden kicks, are you chasing something small and fleeting in some red savage dream from your past?
having a puppy is like having a kid. you have to give constant attention, you worry that he bites the wires, you put up with his over-enthusiastic licking, you try to teach him right from wrong.
good thing he is not mine. i am just the babysitter ^^.
Friday, 27 March 2009
thoughts and quirks
if there are three parking lots, and only the middle is free, i would park the same way the others are, out of some obscure fear that if i park the opposite way, the other drivers would nick my car doors. this is cos if i park the same way, i can maneuver my car such that i leave a fair bit of space for the other driver to get in without nicking my door, even if that leaves only a tiny space for me to get out. advantages of being bamboo-fat.
i drive bare-footed. i can say that it gives me more grip on the pedals, better feedback from the engine, hence fine-tuned speed control and improved fuel economy, but frankly, it's just more relaxing.
most things are relative. height-wise, some say i am tall, but compared to the average aussie, i am at most, average. similarly, some ppl think i am a good person, but there are a bunch over in malaysia who probably hate my guts. similarly, this can be applied to more general things, such as wealth, success, happiness, which are relative; values and attributes are ascribed, not absolute.
amazing how time slows down in near-death, almost-disastrous experiences. surreal how similar it is to movies (is it art imitating life or life imitating art, as in because you have seen it before, your brain is pre-conditioned to react that way). what can i say? some have achieved satori, or enlightenment in such life-changing situations , as in what is important becomes crystal- clear, i can't say that i had the same but it does confirm what i always sorta guessed. i just know that i don't panic in most situations that would faze most ppl; i just become icily detached. it's not like i block it off so there is a delayed after-effect. i just don't feel. good in some situations, maybe not so great in others (again, refer to the relative value of things).
i sometimes wonder if i have ankylosing spondylitis, or how is the heart murmur coming along, idle speculations, not that i am morbid, lol, i am content with life now, why would i want to die, still have too many things to do, shooting fireballs for one, but it's just, harmless fun to speculate along those lines when you are in good health. does that make sense?
i am lax about the use of punctuation and speeling, but the wrong use of "a" and "the" drives me nuts.
i sleep like a cat.
why is it that it seems you get more succesful hunts in Mousehunt when others sound the horn or a trap-check occurs, as compared to when you sound the horn yourself? or is it just me?
Saturday, 21 March 2009
6 degrees
so, if we go on that concept, i know miss korea 200x because my student dates her. ^^ sweet.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
A pinch of salt
edit: forgot to link the site to do the quiz.
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
Analysis: You are a lying, deceptive, two faced bastard who emotionally manipulates ppl to get what you want.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are not looking merely for a girl/boyfriend - you are looking for your life partner. Perhaps you should be more open-minded about who you spend time with. The person you are looking for might hide their charm under their exterior.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
Analysis: Desperate, will grab anything that comes by.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Analysis: As serious as a rabbit in heat.
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
Analysis: Bookworm, nerd, pretentious know-it-all.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
Analysis: Your career will be as exciting as dishwater.
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
Analysis: Megalomaniac.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Analysis: Personaltiy of a three year old. When in doubt, throw a tantrum.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Analysis: Nosey busybody who secretly relishes being the centre of attention, you more often than not don't even know what you are saying.